Even though there were many moments where I thought that we should just leave and go teach lessons, I didn't. What I learned was that as a missionary I am called to serve. Not to just teach lessons and get my 10 hours of service every week. This is souls that we are talking about and sometimes you have to do things you wouldn't normally do. Out of the service we've done we got the mothers son to attend church with us! He all the sudden decided he doesn't want to be an alcoholic anymore and he's stayed off drinking for 5 days!!! He wants to learn more about the gospel and the rest of the family wants to as well. Just by serving them we have seen all of these people start to change their hearts and open them for Christ. This was just a big miracle to see and I continue to see them change! They have many family problems but I know through the atonement they will be able to overcome all of their issues!
We also found a golden investigator who found the church website and requested a bible. We came and taught him and gave him the book of mormon. He already wants to go to church and his deepest desire is to know why we are here and what happens after this life. Hermana Turley and I are seeing soooo many miracles. I'm so grateful for this work. I could do nothing without my Heavenly Father, I would just be sitting on the ground right now. I have a testimony that God is in every tiny detail in our lives. Just look for it and you will find!!
Te Amo con todo de mi corazon!!
Hermana HOllie Buys
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