Well 1st I have great news! YOu can send me letters everyday and I will get them that day or the next! send them to this websitewww.missionarypackagemx.com
You can also buy treats and they deliver them that day too. it is like dear elder but just for mexico!! Please do this because I would love to have a handwritten copy from you both! Also tell everyone to do this as well!! Everyone else in my district is gettting like 10 haha so please send one! I cant think of any other addresses at the moment, but just any are fine. oh and if you could find out what kykys email address is thatd be great too!! Also I am getting a little bit of vegetables mom haah mostly fruit! We have this sweet gym and so I have been doing the eliptical everyday, and let me tell you I am getting buff"!! haha just kiding, but really, my legs are so strong lol. Our investigator actually ended up being our new teacher now haha so its crazy he knows everything about us!! We have 2 new investigators now and theyre both our teachers including the previous one so its a little scary. Oh and guess what???? My companion and I were called as Sister Training Leaders for our zone!! Its such a great opportunity, I feel so luckY!!!

I also had to speak in church last week all in spanish and that was pure scariness haha. It went good though! It was on the apostasy so it was mostly information haha. Im so glad that you guys were able to see grandma and grandpa! Oh and please send those pictrues again! I cant see them on the email...
I also had to speak in church last week all in spanish and that was pure scariness haha. It went good though! It was on the apostasy so it was mostly information haha. Im so glad that you guys were able to see grandma and grandpa! Oh and please send those pictrues again! I cant see them on the email...
2 days ago my companion and I taught a lesson and when we got out I was just sitting writing in my notebook feelings i had and they were all in Spanish. I stopped and looked at my paper and was like oh my goodness!! I felt right there and then that I really did have the gift of tongues. So I turned to my companion and told her how I was feeling and we just started crying cause we could feel the spirit so strongly while doing our Spanish. I truly know that the gift of tongues exists. Itis amazing!!!
Also I challenge you guys to read Alma 32 its an amazing chapter!! Oh and every Sunday they play a video for us! We watched the video on John Tanner and it was so touching!! How he gave away all of his money for God and we also watched about Christ and the Resurrection that always makes me so emotional. Every Sunday we say goodbye to missionaries too and sing God be with you till we meet again. I just cry and cry and cry each time i hear this song!! Its so neat to hear everyone sing that song here with such power and love. More news!! Haha We are learning the mexico anthem for their independence day here!! Woooh hoooo!! Haha Well thank you for your love and support!! I think and pray for you guys everyday!! It is so hard here but you guys make me strong. I cant wait to hear from you again. You're the best parents ever!!!! Please send pictures often!! and I hope to hear from you tomorrow haha if you can!!
Hermana Buys
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